A lot of white people still wanna live in this world where you can just not talk about your politics and you're okay. It allows them to continue to be friends with each other, work with each other, defend each other, without taking any responsibility for the impact. https://twitter.com/MarkRuffalo/status/1318646841324560385
So @MarkRuffalo finds himself compelled to jump out here like "talking about how Chris Pratt is gonna vote for Trump is a distraction from defeating Trump!" Bro what the fuck are you even talking about? Do you even hear yourself? Why are these things disconnected in your mind?
What the fuck is a "solid man" and what does that have to do with a conscious choice to vote for an incompetent criminal who is pushing a white supremacist and autocratic regime? Please help me understand @MarkRuffalo. That doesn't seem very "solid" to me.
If you wanna stay friends with people who are actively supporting white supremacy, just say that. Do you. I'm not sure why it requires you to try to convince *me* that I should be okay with it. You can't be my friend too. Own your choice and stay the fuck outta my face.
Saying nothing is still free, as always. I can't help but feel like there's a reason that explains these MCU actors showing specifically to defend Chris Pratt in this moment. Nothing ties white men together like protecting the bag. Believe that.
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