I disagree.

Missouri, like every other state, and like the United States, counts every person. Representatives are supposed to be accessible to each one of us, regardless of our ability to vote.

That is the long-held principle behind counting everyone for redistricting.

1/ https://twitter.com/BobOnderMO/status/1318700027703865344
Amendment 3 runs counter to this American principle of representation. Instead of counting total population, it counts people on "the basis of one person, one vote."

It doesn't say "illegal immigrants can be excluded." The language is much more expansive.

Amendment 3 grants wide powers to the government to decide who counts and who doesn't. You and some of your colleagues interpret it to mean that undocumented immigrants do not count.

What about documented ones? What in the language you used protects them?


Nothing in the language protects any non-voter. If Amendment 3 passes and your colleagues disagree with you, all non-voters - the biggest group of which are children - can be eliminated from the count.

"One person, one vote."

First, I'm not sure why Missouri should be the only state to break with a foundational principle of American democracy just to help current politicians keep their power.

Second, why in the world should Missourians grant our government such wide powers to determine who should count? American democracy is about checks and balances, not about giving wide powers to the government and hoping for the best.

What happened to limited government?

Third, why would proponents of Amendment 3 say it just reverses Clean Missouri when it doesn't?

It includes new language and, as our courts have made clear, and as the Attorney General made clear in his argument to the courts, new language must have new meaning.

Hopefully next time you all won't rush to make changes to Missouri's Constitution - despite objections from folks on your side - just to protect a broken and bought system.

Missouri, whatever your party, if you're pissed off at how broken our government is, Vote No on 3.

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