Lactobacillus reuteri, a bacteria that lives in the upper GI tract of humans and has tons of positive health benefits, was discovered in the 1960s and was then estimated to live in 30-40% of the population. Today it's less than 20%, and will probably keep going down 👎
Among the many benefits of l. reuteri are increased production of oxytocin, aka the "love hormone" ...
Traditionally fermented foods in general contain an abundance of beneficial bacteria, but sadly the modern diet consisting of grains, sugars, antibiotics, PUFAs, and so on kills off all the beneficial gut bacteria...

Repopulate your gut & make your family and friends do the same
You can easily make sauerkraut, kvass, kombucha, etc at home... even lactobacillus reuteri yogurt, as I just posted about

also check out this link (which is also found on my profile), among other things I have a page of fermentation recipes 
you care about the fate of yourself and those around you? start with your gut. Learn traditional methods of food preparation, give it to your friends and family, teach them. Change starts from within, literally
I have personally managed to directly influence a few people close to me and I believe this will propagate outward and onward

A few friends now make their own sauerkraut and kvass

I've taught my mom and close friend how to nosebreathe, and properly so
plus I've managed to help my brother resolve his IBS to a large extent by having him eat sauerkraut and implement Grimhood's zero tolerance protocol
so quit your pessimism! i truly believe you can cause ripple effect creating a positive, encouraging, life-affirming for you and those you care about

it starts with the gut 🦠
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