Victims of Trump: a thread

But make yourself a cup of tea first...
Coronavirus deaths shown on  have risen to over 220,000. This is a direct impact of ineffective leadership, ignoring the science, and delayed pandemic response. But we know this.
But we must look beyond the outrage that manifests only when we feel ourselves threatened. This is, respectfully, so much bigger than America. Thousands of dead civilians can be directly tied to the Trump administration, whose deaths are unrelated to the virus.
By September 30th 2020, 21 people had died in ICE custody. That is more than double 2019.
6 children in the space of 8 months died in immigration detention centres (that we know of, they are under no obligation to report these figures, but these were discovered by journalists).
The number of civilians killed more than doubled in the first six months of 2018 due to Trump’s preference for lethal air strikes. And then, of course, there’s the CIA, which I’m not even going to get into on this platform.
But just to outline ONE specific target (bear in mind there will be hundreds), over 100 people, most of them children, were killed in an attempt to target one individual. These are not even classed as civilian casualties because they dare to exist within the strike zone.
I don’t know what you’ll do with this information. I don’t know, really, what it means. But I do know that if we keep characterising Trump as “stupid” and “dumb” we let him off the hook for countless casualties.
I could keep this thread going for years, but I think this is enough of a snapshot into a term of misery. Just don’t forget when you live under imperialism and capitalism that you’re never just voting in the interests of your own country, but could have a lethal impact on others.
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