I am begging everyone to:

- Read further than the headline.
- Treat anonymous sources with a little skepticism right now.

"Biden refuses to say something mean about ACB for us to whip up outrage over" and "probably the same anonymous source who said Kamala wasn't going to be VP now has thoughts about Cabinet picks" are noise right now.
By all means, if you're concerned, contact the campaign! I'm not saying don't hit the phones!

But folks wanting to give up and not vote, that helps nothing and is the entire point of these dubious articles.
Also, if you want ACB to be impeached--and I do--Biden pretty much has to act like he's an unbiased guy who thinks she's a swell lady at this stage. Otherwise, when impeachment starts, it'll be 24/7 of "PRESIDENT'S PERSONAL VENDETTA SHAPES SUPREME COURT JUDICIARY".
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