how to take care of your jungkook ㅡ a thread by hobi ♡︎
always wake up your jungkook up with warm cuddles 🥰
when i mean always ALWAYS cuddle w your jungkook he loves those🥺
always feed your jungkook
always go on picnic dates with your jungkook🥺🌻
listen to your jungkook play the guitar
always remind jungkook that his existence is a gift 🥺
always complete jungkooks hearts💜
always make sure your jungkook doesn't work himself too hard 🥺
always be there to comfort your jungkook🥺
always laugh and be h^^py with your jungkook
always make sure koo is smiling at the end of the day no matter what🥺
end of thread🥺💖
omg and @luvjoonii :( did i miss anyone else i'm terrible at these 😭
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