Tw// mental health
•trigger warning for whole thread•

I want to talk about something ive never had the courage to talk about before because maybe it will bring awareness but I have Trichotillomania which means when I get stressed or anxious I pull out my hair
Other symptoms is like nail biting and ripping on dead skin or chewing on lips. And it’s a chronic mental disorder that in most cases won’t go away without treatment and a lot of people don’t know about it so they suffer alone thinking it’s just them
Tw// self harm

And it can be really dangerous because some people chew on the hair after pulling it out causing array of digestive problems but also it causes skin and hair damage and it’s dangerous because it’s a compulsive disorder and you just can’t stop doing it
People with Trichotillomania may do it to relieve stress or anxiety or fatigue or boredom but they also might do it because it’s satisfying and relieving and they might not even know that they are doing it
This mental disorder leads people to be ashamed and embarrassed and increased depression and anxiety and it can really have a toll on your life
I just wanted to talk about it because it’s something I’ve been dealing with since I was 6 and I have severe bald spots and scarring and I’m so insecure about my appearance and going out in public because of it
This is one of those mental disorders that doesn’t get talked about and it’s not known because it’s not even super clear what causes Trichotillomania and there’s not a cure for it
I’ve been too embarrassed to tell anyone outside of my close friends and family but I don’t want to suffer in silence I’ve been getting treatment for a while but I don’t want to hide away anymore because I’m beautiful scars and spots and all.
If you just want to ignore this you can but I just needed go get this off my chest and finally talk about it and say that yes I struggle but one day I won’t struggle so much and I’ll be okay
Anyways thank you for reading this and please never judge people by their appearance because you never know what they might be going through or dealing with medically
Finally if anyone that sees this thread and also has Trich please feel free to dm me we can be friends and be each other support system and if you see this and wanna learn more about trich also feel free to dm and we can talk about it
You can follow @sunnybIaine.
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