I’m in a god awful mood. Let’s look at some good boys.
First some of my favorites bjyx in which you can see Yibo’s crush from space.
Let’s look at Xiao Zhan for a minute and remember that his friends created an actual FB group for the sole purpose of giving him shit about how hot he is.
Am I just collecting 97s who just exist to test me? MAYBE.
Everyone needs an ears problem. Can you believe I thought this man was Jimin sized?
He’s just so pretty.
Some excellent MX boys. (Spoiler they’re all good boys.)
I’m new to ACE but I seem to have imprinted on Donghun.
Now on to my very first kpop boys.
I think we can all agree, regardless of bias, that Jin is the best one.
My sweet Yoongles. Everyone’s favorite cat.
My first bias. And while Yoongi is clearly the cat in this band, Hoseok’s bones are liquid like a cats.
Look I have a lot of feelings about Joon.
I don’t even know what to say. It’s Park Jimin. He’s unreal.
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