// coding discourse, drtwt drama
I really, REALLY think drtwt needs to take a step back when it comes to participating in drama about sexuality coding. I’m not at all saying that sexuality coding should be ignored or that lgbt erasure isn’t harmful, but hear me out. (1/?)
I just think that people need to be a little bit more forgiving and patient with new people when it comes to misconceptions about sexuality coding. Many people don’t completely understand it, because some coding in dr is very subtle while other coding is very blatant (2/?)
For example, Nagito is very blatantly implied to be gay. Even so, not everybody realizes that. Even people who realize that might not be educated about gay erasure, and probably won’t understand why it’s not okay to headcanon Nagito as bi or ship him with a girl. (3/?)
On drtwt, the most common reaction to seeing somebody say that they ship Nagito with a girl is to attack them. To tell all your mutuals to unfollow them. Personally, I think it would be a much better idea to verify that this person KNOWS that- (4/?)
-what they’re doing is considered “gay erasure” and understands why erasing representation isn’t okay before you go after them. And if they don’t, wouldn’t the right thing to do be to let them know? Kindly explain it to them? (5/?)
If you can’t/don’t want to do that, not interacting and simply blocking them is also an option. This is just speculation, but I think like some of the drtwt users who don’t believe in lgbt-coding/don’t think erasing canon sexuality coding is wrong feel that way because- (5/?)
-it may have never been properly explained to them, or it was explained to them in like, an aggressive way? Attacking somebody or making a callout post because they made a mistake is WAY more likely to leave a bad taste I’m their mouth and make them NOT change their opinion- 7/?
-than it is to make them understand how sexuality coding works and why erasing it is considered bad. Being aggressive about it will probably make them think you’re just “forcing your headcanons on them”. I just think that if drtwt was more forgiving and patient with - (9/?)
// chihiro gender discourse ment.
- people who make mistakes regarding/completely ignore sexuality coding, ESPECIALLY when it comes to the more subtle coding, drtwt would be a less toxic place. I also think that it would be super useful if we were to make - (10/?)
//chihiro gender discourse ment.
- a source, like a carrd or something, that educates people about lgbt erasure and sexuality coding in danganronpa, similar to how somebody made a carrd explaining why people see chihiro as trans. I don’t know how we would - 11/?
- accomplish this, however. What I’m basically saying is, it’s probably a good idea to make sure somebody knows what they’re talking about before you make a callout post. (12/13)
Please let me know if I said anything wrong here! I’m no expert on this subject, I just think sometimes people are a little aggressive about this sort of thing. The last thing I want to do is upset anybody. I might delete this thread later. 13/13
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