Last but by no means least in our false-vampire poll is the yellow-winged bat, Lavia frons!
As their common name suggests, these bats have reddish-yellow (sometimes almost golden) wings. It is unknown as to why they they have these colors, but it may aid in species recognition
Lavia is widely distributed throughout central Africa, with a preference towards open areas by bodies of water with bushes and Acadia trees (particularly umbrella thorn acacia) for ambushing prey
These bats are most active during the morning and evening. They are also known to be active during the day, flying from tree to tree while deciding where they want to roost and nabbing insects along the way (only photos of them flying during the day suck for some reason)
Lavia is strange for a false-vampire in that they are not known to eat vertebrates at all. Other false-vampires, even the smaller ones, will nab small vertebrates when given the chance. Instead Lavia eat mostly beetles, termites, grasshoppers, butterflies/moths and flies
Lavia are monogamous, and work together to protect a territory. The courtship ritual includes a pair both flying over each other and circling one another. During the day they split up and largely keep to themselves
In the morning and evening though, they often cuddle and vocalize together and are said to be never be more than a meter apart during that time
I think these bats are rather sweet with how dedicated to each other they are, maybe they would have been better as a Valentine’s Day thread haha
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