*+.i love almond milk! a thread.+*
okay so basically in this thread ill explain why i love almond milk over actual dairy milk! let's start <3
okay so basically almond milk is fairly lower cal than actual milk. while a cup of milk is about 120 cal, almond milk is only 60 cal per cup! a bargain if you ask me
also, it tastes so good! you can add zero sugar chocolate syrup and it'll be about 65 cal per cup. sweet right.
also, it has a bunch of good nutrients like calcium and fiber, you can also drink a bunch without the weight gain! perfect for diets and slow ed recovery
(not exactly for ed recovery but if you're in recovery and are still kind of afraid of actual milk, this usually helps!)
also if you buy chocolate almond milk it's 120 cal per cup, while actual chocolate milk would be about 180 cal per cup. honestly a steal if you ask me!
let me know if this helps! ill probably add more reasons but im finished for now. byebye! đź’•
*+.End of thread, for now.+*
also if you made it this far, thank you #edtwt ! you gave me a place to share my thoughts without being judged <3
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