Long before the phony Holocaust™ of the 20th Century; there was the real but totally misrepresented and exaggerated "Spanish Inquisition" -- which commenced in 1478 and remained in effect until 1874. Officially known as the Tribunal of the Holy Office of the Inquisition, -->
The policy was established by "anti-Semitic" ™ Catholic Monarchs Ferdinand II of Aragon and Isabella I of Castile for the usual purpose of containing the usual bad behavior of the usual suspects (ritual child killing, well poisoning, coin clipping, money lending abuse, -->
unethical business practices, disrespect of Christianity, revolutionary activities ---- that sort of stuff).

Owing to the fact that 'they' control the media, academia and Hollyweird, the Inquisition is generally misunderstood as a historical case of "intolerant" ™ Christians ->
forcing the ever-innocent-ones to convert to Catholicism under threat of torture or death at the hands of the Inquisitor. That's not exactly the case and this NY Slimes article, albeit inadvertently, refutes the popular misconception. Let's dive in.
The article opens:

"It is perhaps the most significant artifact documenting the arrival of Jews in the New World: a small, tattered 16th-century manuscript written in an almost microscopic hand by Luis de Carvajal the Younger, the man whose life and pain it chronicled. -->
Until 1932, the 180-page booklet by de Carvajal, a secret Jew who was burned at the stake by the Inquisition in Spain’s colony of Mexico, resided in that country’s National Archives." -->
A "secret Jew," eh? That sure sounds like a "conspiracy theory" ™, doesn't it?

You see, boys and girls, once upon a time in Catholic Spain, 'they' were taking over the joint, particularly in matters pertaining to commerce and money (There's a real shocker, eh?).
Compounding the problem was the fact that so many of them, for purposes of career advancement, had pretended to convert to Catholicism (they were not forced converts) while secretly remaining true to Judaism. And finally, to compound their dirty deeds even more, -->
some of them aggressively proselytized Catholics to convert to Judaism. These generally olive-skinned and black-haired Sephardic "secret Jews" -- referred to as "conversos" or "marranos" -- made common cause with their Moorish Muslim cousins -->
who had also overstayed their welcome in the parts of Spain which they had earlier conquered. Cleansing Spain of the North African Moors was relatively easy, but digging out the insincere secret "marranos" was challenging. -->
In a certain sense, the Inquisition was very similar to latter day HUAC & McCarthy mole hunts aimed at cleaning out communists.
More from the article:

"De Carvajal was a Jew who posed as Catholic in New Spain, now Mexico, during a period when the Inquisition ruthlessly persecuted heretics and false converts..."

"False converts," eh? -->
So, Mr. De Carvajal, more than 100 years into the Inquisition regime, still chose to scam and disrespect the Spaniards. Why feel sorry for him? Imagine 1000's of false converts to Judaism trying to weasel their way into privileged status in "the State of Israel." -->
How aggressively would the Mossad smoke them out? Not only does the ongoing Israeli Inquisition deny normal citizenship rights and privileges to converts to Gentiles married to Jews; the state even openly discriminates against ethnic Jews who truly embrace Christianity. -->
Another excerpt from the article:

"De Carvajal, a trader, was arrested around 1590 as a proselytizing Jew."

Not only was he a phony convert, but he proselytized (recruited Catholics to Judaism) --- something that modern day Israel will throw you in jail for.
One more:

"He was freed for a time — possibly so that the authorities could track his contacts with other secret Jews."

Translation: They mercifully let him free --- and he went back to playing his games with other fraudsters. -->
The Spanish Inquisition supported royal decrees issued in 1492 and 1502 ordering troublesome Jews (and Moors) to convert or leave Spain. Their country, their rules. Though the Inquisition is almost always portrayed in popular literature and history -->
as an example of Catholic "intolerance" TM and "oppression" ™, more than a few "respectable" modern historians now openly question previous accounts regarding the severity of the Inquisition. -->
Over the 350 year period that the Inquisition was in effect throughout the empire, about 150,000 persons (average of 428 per year) were charged with crimes and only about 3,000 (10 per year) were executed. -->
Considering the depth of the treason infestation problem that Spain faced both at home and in its New World colonies, the 300 year mole hunt wasn't anywhere near as harsh as people believe it to be. -->
Nonetheless, the truth about the Inquisition didn't stop the libtarded government of Spain, in 2015, from granting full citizenship rights (replete with all the "free" stuff that the Marxists of Madrid hand out to the masses) to the scattered "descendants" of Spanish Jews. -->
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