Know that this is a war and has been a war on poor people, murdering, disappearing, repressing, and displacing poor people to make room for capitalist expansion. Lagos has been clearing the land and resources for the rich. #BuhariIsAMuderer #EndSARS
Lagos was the key port for slavery and still remains the financial capital of Nigeria. Lagos has been for decades clearing the poor to make room for foreign investments Positioning itself as a world class city while its police:military is training up w/ U.S. #BuhariIsAMuderer
Nigeria has so much money for the military, police, government salaries, and the rich. As poverty increases, they’ve geared up with military, police, weapons/tech under the guise of “war of terror”. The U.S. used #BringBackOurGirls to send military “aid”. $$$ #BuhariIsAMuderer
“The #BringBackOurGirls campaign doesn’t appear interested in asking the difficult questions necessary to understanding the forces behind the kidnapping of 300 young girls in Nigeria.”
“The campaign instead calls for US intervention to track down the so-called “terrorist” organization, Boko Haram. US imperialism responded quickly by sending marines to Nigeria, escalating US militarization in a country already dominated economically and politically by the West.”
#BringBackOurGirls supporters achieved their objective of further US militarization at the expense of African people.“

When we call for western intervention, the result is increased militarization in Africa . As @miss_mumbz said we can’t depend on the west or African states
“AFRICOM’s purported mission is to protect US “national security” interests, a euphemism for the protection of plundered resources. The agency does this by arming and training African armies to serve the interests of US imperialism.” #ShutDownAFRICOM
“US imperialism has been conducting military operations in Nigeria since at least 1999. AFRICOM, officially established in 2007, became involved in the training and deployment of security forces in the Niger Delta.” #EndSARS
“It is in this resource rich region where Shell Corporation exports much of Nigeria’s vast oil reserves to the West. The Shell Corporation is responsible for the mass impoverishment of Nigerian farmers and workers.“
“The #BringBackOurGirls support for further intervention from the US puppet state in Nigeria masks the reality that US imperialism is protecting the corporate theft of the country’s wealth from the Nigerian people.” #EndSARS
“This reigns true in every region of Africa. In the east, the US and AFRICOM backed Ethiopia’s invasion of Somalia in 2006, destabilizing the nation’s government and leaving millions to starve from withheld food-aid and fend for themselves against CIA sponsored death squads.”
“In central Africa, the US and AFRICOM armed and financed proxies in Uganda and Rwanda, which proceeded to loot the Congo’s coltan, cobalt, and lithium for US and Western multinational corporations. In this ongoing conflict, six million Congolese have been murdered since 1996.”
“In southern Africa, The ANC-led South Africa remains a neo-colony where the profits of US and Western capital are protected at the expense of the Black majority.” #ShutDownAFRICOM
“Further, the US and EU imperialist alliance strapped economic sanctions on Zimbabwe in hopes that the country will reverse its land reform and indigenization policies.”

Two months ago, #BuhariIsAMuderer went to Mali to quell revolt. Mind you Nigeria has most soldiers in Mali
The U.S. has no moral ground to sanction anyone. If the U.S. and it’s corporations could get their neck off Africa and Africans, perhaps we wouldn’t be here. This an opportunity to organize where you’re at while giving direct support / build relationships w/ people on the ground
“As the carnage in Congo demonstrates, whole populations can be made to disappear in Africa without most people in the West noticing.“
“The death squads the Americans are training in Nigeria, Niger, Mauretania and Mali, and those that will soon be stalking victims in Cameroon and Benin, will not be limited to hunting Boko Haram.“
“Death squads are, by definition, destabilizing; they poison the political and social environment beyond repair, as Central Americans who lived through the 80s can attest. Yet, that is U.S. imperialism’s preferred method of conquest in the non-white world.”
“It’s what the Americans actually do, when folks demand that they “Do something.”
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