OK, doing a what I believe thread.
Firstly. I'm an anarchist. I'm sort of temperamentally a doomer. I think if we overthrew the state *today*, with the material conditions that exist today life would probably get significantly worse for most people.
I think that any hope of a glorious revolution and fully automated luxury communism is magical thinking. It reflects Leftism's origin and influence in the religious traditions of Europe and America while leaning heavily in millennialist ideas about some great 'final battle'.
What's more likely than overthrowing the state at the height of it's power is exploiting a state in decay. Carving out niches as they present themselves as the state loses capacity for governing due to advancing conditions, not least of which is climate.
I solemnly believe we have probably failed to meaningfully address climate change in a way that won't result in the death of millions, perhaps billions of people by centuries end. Capitalism killed the planet and will usher in an unfathomable degree of suffering as it dies.
The nation state will breakdown. Climate shifts will make swaths of the planet uninhabitable or unproductive for agriculture. Climate catastrophes will provoke immigration and internal migration that will begin putting pressure on the nation state.
With it's fixed borders and attempts to preserve cultural homogeneity, the nation state is not equipped for this challenge. Some will go eco fascist, some will start resource wars. Some will become ungovernable. The nation state will be as obsolete as the Kingdom or Empire.
In that moment, there needs to be no transitional state. We are in anarchy the moment the state recedes. As anarchists our goal should be preparing for this dark future in hopes of averting it by being active and building networks currently.
A return to stateless society would not be perfect, or even survivable for many, but it would present the best future in a world that's dying. The best hope of preserving the things about civilization and humanity that are good and maybe give us hope to rebuild better.
I'm fully aware of this tragedy. I'm not an anarchist because it makes me feel good. Saying this doesn't make me feel good. I'll have no pleasure if I'm right.
So if we're going to need to fight the state, either now or in the future, we need the state to be in a form we can fight. In the early thinkers days if you roused enough peasants with enough guns, you could take over. Against a modern hegemon though, that's harder.
So I involve myself in current politics too. Specifically, socialism of the democratic and market varieties. These are informed by a historical perspective as much as a philosophical one. A state where workers own the means of production is easier to overthrow.
What we can't survive, either currently or in the future is fascism. Fascism accelerates the conditions currently pushing us faster toward environmental collapse and stifling work to prepare for a time when the state is gone. It in no way advantages us.
Thus anything, no matter how small (like voting), is anti fascist praxis and a single piece of a larger puzzle.
I close with this. I want to be wrong. I want a peaceful, prosperous, decommodified socialist society that uplifts the uplifts not just it's own, but unites with proletarians around the world. I want that, I just can't believe it's the most likely outcome.
But I'm still going to work for it. I may not finish the work but I'm not free to desist from it. I want to work to make myself wrong. I don't want to be a dystopian. We will either be liberated or preserved by Leftist ideals and I'd rather be liberated.
That's it for now, but will add if needed.
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