As the #covid situation in #France worsens...

here’s what we know about #HealthInequalities from the 1st lockdown, to keep in mind during this second wave

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You were more likely to be #covid positive if you were:

-a woman
-a health care worker or someone who could not telework
-living in crowded housing
The #Epicov study confirmed these findings & showed that people born outside of Europe had a higher seroprevalence of #SARSCoV2 compared to those born in France

This observed difference disappeared when socio-economic conditions were taken into account'après%20cette%20enquête%2C%20la,de%2015%20ans%20ou%20plus
The @insee provided analyses of excess deaths during the 1st #covid wave namely by place of birth, highlighting an especially marked increase in mortality among those born in African countries
People’s living conditions during the Spring lockdown & socioeconomic factors:

21% of people said they could not isolate a sick person in a separate room at home. This increased to 30% among the most socially disadvantaged
In #France , we badly need access to systematically collected data to examine the social pattering of #covid19 as it evolves over time in terms of infection, severity, #longcovid & mortality

This would help guide decisionmaking & support an Equitable #PublicHealth
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