oomf just said that "using college as a excuse to not stream properly is just being a bad carat" and i can't express how angry i am right now bcuz as a college student whos working on my thesis i CAN SAY that sometimes i don't have enough time, or im just so tired of looking at+
my computer screen all day and dealing with college homework and my personal problems that yes, i may not be in condition to stream. But ya know, that does not make me less of a carat just because im putting my future and my life in 1° place for once. So, before u go and make+
people feel bad about being occupied with studies or just life in general, just think about if it was you. The boys would want us to put ourselves in first place, they always said that. And, btw, juat because i cant stream all day, it doesn't mean im not doing it. Have a nice day
some off yall should stop with that crap about being a bad fan because we all have a life ya know
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