Sherlock as the AMU consultant, a thread
Taking the Friday evening GP referrals
The night clerking SHO has only written a fifteen point plan at three in the morning.
The surgeons have said "no surgical cause of pain identified" and queried whether it could be IBS
When phoned by an irate ED nurse in charge because the AMU bed isn't ready and the surgical SHO still hasn't come to review the patent
Delirious 93 year old Mrs Higgins won't stop talking about her parrot, which *may* be relevant to her as of yet undiagnosed respiratory presentation
After requesting a CTPA for muffled heart sounds, reduced air entry on the left side and persistent hypoxia, the scan shows pericardial effusion, pneumothorax and submassive PE
Friday 7pm when he was due to leave at 4 and the F1 asks him to post take a collapse query cause
Trying to open PACS and transfer images to the tertiary centre when the F1 is on annual leave.
When asked what the cardiologists have advised with regards to anticoagulation
Someone dares to suggest the recent fall, unexplained hypomagnesaemia and the missed ophthalmology appointments from 2017 are unrelated.
Trying to decipher a particularly incoherent clerking from the notes with the F1 after the admitting night SHO has gone home.
After nailing a bedside perocardiocentesis for Peri-arrest tamponade.
When the medical student can only list 'scorpions' as a differential for pancreatitis.
Low potassium, labile blood pressure, pleural effusions, metabolic acidosis and climbing lactate.
Working out which single test he's going to do to clinch the diagnosis.
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