1/ A few thoughts on how disruptions to our health systems are impacting birthing people 🤱🏾

(taken from today's public @NIH_ORWH committee meeting)

VIDEO: https://orwh.od.nih.gov/about/newsroom/events/51st-meeting-nih-advisory-committee-research-womens-health
2/ So far, it is unclear whether pregnant people are more likely to be severely INFECTED by COVID-19

Regardless, pregnant people are definitely more likely to be severely AFFECTED by COVID-19
4/ COVID-19 can cause respiratory illnesses, but also theoretically has potential to infect the placenta, fetus, or newborn

Fortunately, infection of the placenta, fetus, and newborn seems rare and this is very reassuring

Breastfeeding is safe
7/ which leads to the main point...regardless of what we learn about the biology of COVID-19, attention to the way the biology and sociology interact is critical

the pandemic has taken every inequity in our society and thrown it into a pressure cooker https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/06/nyregion/childbirth-Covid-Black-mothers.html
9/ during disruptive moments like this, the needs of pregnant people are often taken for granted or de-prioritized

this means
-less access to care and support
-more financial strain, isolation and violence
10/ COVID-19 has divided the world into people who are able to protect themselves and those who are not, across geopolitical borders and across neighborhood blocks

It has put the injustices of who has access to opportunity into stark relief, and placed racism front and center
11/ pregnant people are a bellwether for the wellbeing of all of us

particularly critical to understand the degree to which where people live determines how safe they are, how likely they are to be exposed, infected, cared for

and why anti-black racism is particularly deadly
12/ there is an opportunity here - to vision through this moment to a better normal, to seize the way disruptions are spurring advocacy and innovation...and listening

I hope this means more midwives and doulas, more care settings, better care models...and that last point...
13/ going forward the focus of my professional efforts will be building systems for childbirth that are worthy of trust, particularly among communities that have been historically marginalized and oppressed, who our existing systems have failed to uplift

big disclaimer:
14/ I'm not an expert in building trustworthy systems--I am a member of the very systems that, fundamentally, take good care of some but not others

I am committed however to doing my part as an ally to achieve a more just future--not via tweets or words--but actions and time
🙏🏾 @JanineClaytonMD for inviting me to present, and colleagues @mcgregormd @DrMWHooper on the @NIH_ORWH whose own brilliant presentations shaped these thoughts and can be watched via the link above
You can follow @neel_shah.
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