take notes.

This is a perfect explanation of how I feel about the role of the “bottom” in our community. https://twitter.com/fuchstraumer/status/1318621916513513473
Additionally, I feel like the point about playing put power dynamics sexual situations can translate to social situations. Specifically, I mean playing out your own identity in social situations and remembering that both you and the person you are talking to are PEOPLE.
People with their own unique identities. Identities not confined by “stereotypes” or “societal roles.” Identities that aren’t constrained, but enhanced by preference.
Learn about yourself.

To quote Misato Katsuragi:

“You learn about your shape (identity) by looking and comparing to the shapes (identities) of others.”

So learn about yourself and learn about others, ACTIVELY! If you remain passive, the chance to learn will pas you by.
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