Liberal Brainwashing + Control is real {A Thread of Experience}
There’s something about being plugged into the liberal consciousness that has you believing that your life is under threat unless your candidate wins. I remember feeling it in 2008 as I watched the results come
2. in after work. I voted Obama like my life depended on it.

Now that I look back from a place of freedom I’m like WTF! Why would I have felt that way? It makes zero sense except that I was drinking the liberal kool aid after 9/11!

My anger at Bush turned me to...
The Occupy Movement and Liberal ideologies. It was then that I started to hate my country. I started to wake up to the corruption of the Bush’s but because there was no solid evidence and big name channels sharing real news (this was 2002!) I was left to my own devices
4. And I believe that’s exactly where the Liberal consciousness hangs out and waits to snake us in and delude us into thinking liberalism IS the party of the people. I’ve said that so many times. Now, when I look back in hindsight, I feel like Harry when he’s viewing the
5. The professors memories in the last HP book and the memories have been tampered with because Slughorn doesn’t want to admit he helped Voldemort.

I look back on my own memory and experiences and can see and feel the brainwashing and thoughts that we’re not mine. How do we go
6. From loving our country to hating it? We start to question (which is a good thing) but when there’s no freedom of information to sort through and we plug into TV shows (I thought I was getting truth from Colbert and Jon Stewart) and now I understand they’re all part of it.
7. Coming around full circle, when I look back to 2008 (the last election I voted in) I feel myself in the state of “threat” of Obama doesn’t win. WTF?!

I can see now that was not reality: it was manufactured fear programming to control us. Where did Obama even come from?
8. Out of nowhere there he was as this savior. It makes ZERO sense. I actually believed that conservatives were hateful. I drank all the liberal bullshit and bought in fully. They use our soft hearts and empathy to manipulate us and it’s gross. I’ve never been more thankful
9. To God, Q, the Anons, and @realDonaldTrump for being crucial in waking me up from being one of the ones who “just wanted to be left Alone” after 2016 to know being an active ready to fight digital soldier who is not only serving in the 3D but also serving on the quantum.
10. Maybe this thread helps someone or maybe not.... but all I know is that it is doneZ trust the plan 🇺🇸
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