NEW—Largest CDC study on mortality to date pegs #COVID19 associated excess deaths at 285k. But that is not all. There are huge % excesses deaths, especially in young adults 25-44 and in Hispanic, Black, Asian, Native American minorities. Whites less so.🧵
2) Here is the excess Covid mortality by age groups. Young adults 25-44 had the largest excess mortality overall - hitting 50% in mid July. The first March-April wave’s 1st peak hit elderly the hardest. But 2nd peak hit young adults more. #COVID19
3) As for minorities, Hispanic & Black and Asian minorities all exceeded 100% increase over baseline in March and April. Non-Hispanic whites was under 40%. In the second peak in summer 2020, Hispanics were hit the hardest. But black, Asian & Native American suffered 50% excess.
5) “Overall, an estimated 299,028 excess deaths occurred from late January through October 3, 2020, with 198,081 (66%) excess deaths attributed to COVID-19. The largest percentage increases were seen among adults aged 25–44 years and among Hispanic or Latino persons.”
6) Nota bene: even though ~1/3 of the excess deaths were not directly coded as from COVID19–A) there is a lot of underdiagnosis and B) a lot of spillover mortality from overwhelmed hospital that can’t treat other chronic and emergency illness also are indirect #COVID19 deaths.
7) this study confirms the other earlier study from VCU.
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