I’m *extremely* worried about wokeism and spend a lot of my time countering it.

But I will vote for Biden, and think you should too. 1/
I am not a 1-issue voter. The US and the world are also facing other threats, all of which I believe Biden will be better at addressing.

My top issues:
- Climate
- China
- Covid

If another major disaster occurs, I don’t want Trump anywhere near the decision-making table.

In addition, I think Trump’s anti free-trade stance and limitation of highly skilled immigrant visas is a long-term detriment to US economic prosperity.

I don’t think Trump is capable of understanding how or why. 3/
Lastly, I believe Trump made wokeism *worse*. Although it has been around for decades, it was under his watch that it has *accelerated* at an incredible rate.

I think @CathyYoung63 nails it here (please read if you haven’t already): https://theweek.com/articles/939651/how-trump-radicalizing-left

However, this time I’m going to be evaluating local elections on a case by case basis.

I don’t feel comfortable with any party dominating both the executive and the legislature, and Democrats have been making a mess of things at (my) local level. 5/5
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