6 months after I became a lawyer I realized our political class don’t care much for our ppl. Most of our Parish Courts remain ill equipped for the public. I went to Spn Town today & litigants spilled over into the road, with police blaring on the top of their voices.
This was about 9:45. And up to when I left at 11 it was still like that, literally scores of people on the road, blocking entrance etc. When I called my matter, the police went out, returned, said the parties were absent. The parties were out on the road, had to tell judge.
Police then went back outside and they then appeared. Covid has shone the spotlight on the pitiful services. Not even a PA system where the name could be called....Hate going to the parish courts, crowded, lack of basic provisions for litigants. It’s sickening. Need an overhaul.
Parish Courts need a fundamental overhaul: Rules, Practice & Procedure, Plants. There is almost zero use of IT, the whole thing is old and antiquated. I can say without fear of contradiction: justice output from our parish court system (Bench, Bar, Admin...) gets a failing grade.
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