I'm not Black, and nothing i've ever dealt with in magic, even as bad as it has been, has come close to the kind of hate that Black magic players deal with regularly. It is fucking appalling and horrific that we as a community allow racism to grow and even thrive in our game.
racists are irredeemable cockroaches. The people that need to be stirred into action are all of you who stand by and watch this happen. all of you who laugh, or shake your head ruefully, or even frown, but then just scroll on by.
All of us non-black folks, myself included, can no longer just pretend ignorance. Stop it. Stand up and punch a racist. If not with your fist, then with your words. Make them not only uncomfortable, make them know that they are unwanted pond scum. Make them feel shame.
Call them out. Put up their screen names on blast. Don't allow anonymity to hide these trashbags. The only way to drive racists out of our community is to make them understand that they will never know peace again.
You can follow @ghirapurigears.
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