Let`s share from ES why some or a lot of us have to deal with some "troubles":

Whenever we individually or collectively undergo a major spiritual initiation into the higher dimensional frequencies of light and sound, simultaneously the transmission of these higher frequencies
into the in-between spaces will flush to the surface the darkest aspects through its many hidden facets of shadow.

The Universal Shadow body holds the incredibly painful traumatic wounds experienced by the collective consciousness that resulted in disconnection with the
eternal God source fields. The Shadow selves form into larger gestalt of dark consciousness bodies which are shaped into an organizing principle which is based in the total absence of light, and these dark forces have descended even further through the abuse of
inorganic technology and AI systems.

The extensive and advanced use of AI by these races to gain sophisticated psi-based intelligence and prolong lifespans, has assimilated many of these shadow creatures into fully inorganic AI creatures, which further animates the shadow
bodies that it finds into use for alien machinery weaponry.

Starseeds, empaths and the spiritually awakened will begin to see more of these shadow creatures, shadow bodies, and a variety of shadow entities in the inner space, as well as in the outerscape. The Universal Shadow
body comprises multiple dimensional layers of the most painful histories of the Galactic Wars and Christos Holocaust timeline records.

Due to the DNA damage our species suffered after the Fall of Tara, the 4D astral body that made up our heart center was fractured, and the l
ower portion of the soul matrix astral layer became inverted upon itself and became lodged in our 2D sacral center.

These schisms in the lightbody layers also greatly contributed to the production of shadow selves, shadow personality alters, shadow elementals and fragments in
the soul matrix, which further proliferated personal miasma and planetary miasma.

This means that all of us that are completely and utterly devoted to serve the Cosmic Christos Consciousness will undergo some level of the Megiddo Archetype Battle between the Anti-Christ and the
Christ forces on the earth. To move from the personality harmonics into the soul harmonics, this group will face the antichrist forces at the Solar level. To move from soul harmonics to monadic harmonics, this group will face the antichrist forces at the Galactic level.
To move from monadic harmonics to Christ Consciousness harmonics, this group will face the antichrist forces at the Universal level.

This is happening now that we are addressing Universal Shadow, and all of its component parts which appear to be the antichrist black hole
entities that invaded from the Wesa System.
You can follow @Karina89350882.
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