I’m thinking of giving Twtr a rest for a while.

Final thread - I think I can speak for all my NHS colleagues and say we are in this to help people. That’s all we ever wanted to do. To make peoples lives better, and save who we can. Those we can’t save we try hard to give them
The most comfortable and dignified last days that we can. I know my team have given 110% to do this. Covid has been heartbreaking - we’ve seen a lot of good people die, with mild “preexisting conditions” which apply to most people over 40 - hypertension, type 2 diabetes
And so on. These are not severely limited people. They are your parents, your uncle, your sister, your mate from the pub. Why have been so vocal ? (I had 600 followers pre covid)

If we can inform and get the message out and someone pays attention, and if we can stop one person
And their family from going through the ordeal of Critcal illness then it’s all worth it.

But there’s a change in the air. Where in March we were clapped, supported and listened to (and my god that made it so much easier to deal with the shit we were shovelling every day)
Now we are met with scepticism, lies and vilification. I’m thick skinned, a bit of Twitter abuse is nothing compared to telling a family their lives will be shattered, but it does wear you down and the winter is going to be long and hard. Those of you who I’ve met through
This medium and consider friends (even though we’ve never met) have been a well of support and encouragement. And I’m very grateful.

Your average working docs and nurses and physios and OTs and everyone else just want to help. We’ve no skin in the game - no motive to cover up
Empty hospitals or fake data. And we’re not political. We all have differing opinions on lockdown and the damage it does - we just hope those that govern us follow the science but of course we don’t want a repeat of the last wave as it was for many of us the hardest thing we
Have ever encountered in our careers. An unknown illness, that we could also catch, relatives unable to visit the sick and dying. It was very hard and there will be and has been fallout. You can see why we don’t want to go through it again and more importantly don’t want to
Witness anyone going through it again. But here we are, and we will do it again without complaint because that’s what we signed up for. All we ever wanted to do was help. So to our friends - thankyou for the support - it means more than you know. And to the deniers, the skeptics
Well, you can just fuck off. But if you get I’ll, we will care for you. But if people get ill because they’ve swallowed your bullshit then we will never forgive you. Words are important. If you don’t have anything useful to say - don’t say anything at all.
We will always be here for anyone who needs us.
You can follow @apnoeaboy.
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