good god danganronpa is the fandom ive noticed the psuedo-progressive phenomenon in the hardest and it makes me want to scream and i havent directly engaged in it in over 2 years but i see it through my friends n mutuals (who this is NOT about. obv) and UGH
Danganronpa's fandom has a lot of issues which is pretty easy to trace back to the kind of audience it was due to attract with its pacing, characters, design, setting, all of it. literally all of it. But the psuedo-woke shit is whats most damaging honestly
hardcore DR fans are almost never genuinely critical of their interest, but theyre the same people who will often go after others for missing subtle "coding" as if the series isnt filled with bigotry as a while
i think the blatant root of this is the mindset thats really common in young ppl in far left spaces which is "i dont want to be problematic because people will hate me" instead of operating judgment with their own personal values which leads to this bullshit where ->
you'll have people @'ing with "oomfs follow đŸ€Ș" over someone making whats honestly an inconsequential mistake (but they reallyyyy dont want you to think it doesnt matter) because it makes them look better, essentially, without a willingness to deconstruct their values.
I really cant fault a singular individual for falling into this mindset and im not exactly sure how the hell it could be stopped, but it becomes worrying when you can trace everything into this insane direction of "everyone will hate me if im not progressive" ->
without incentive to genuinely understand a cause. it's a dangerous mindset as it can be twisted on its head into "these people are dramatic and will hurt you". im specifically talking about shit like character discourse, by the way, i do NOT mean expression of ->
genuine bigotry (get out of my fucking face with "haha offensive humour" or whatever the hell, thats NOT what im talking about). when you're spamming a 16 year old and telling others to block them over the /implied sexuality of a fictional character/ we have an issue.
The reason i point this out in danganronpas fandom specifically is because the presence of a deconstructive, genuinely progressive attitude is dead in the fucking water. i see individuals getting into drama about 90% more than discussion of root issues in the series from fans.
DR is a series filled with bigoted ideals that its fans seem to never want to discuss. yes, let people enjoy things, you dont have to beat down your interests ALL THE TIME (id be a hypocrite if i took that stance), but if youre going to ->
double down harming (usually... also lgbt) peoples wellbeing over /implied/ sexuality of a fictional fucking character and then not even BOTHER to talk about the cores of the genuine bigotry in the SERIES.... You're part of the problem!
Actions like this are part of the problem because its just doing the opposite of what needs to be done when criticizing media and you know...holding a progressive mindset. This kind of worldview is selfish and operates on "i dont want people to hate me", NOT good intentions.
Im sure there are people trying to do well and just acting misguided i really am, but the collective mindset of danganronpas fandom seems to live as "i dont want others to hate me", NOT a genuine desire to help marginalized people.
Your motivation for being "nonproblematic" should not be people hating you. It really shouldnt be. If you dont understand why youre avoiding something, thats not your fault, but please do try to learn. If you DO understand and refuse to explain to others, kindly fuck off forever
im VERY loudly critical of the whole notion of "cancel culture" being a problem because ppl love to blow it out of proportion when the people who get "cancelled" almost always bounce back, its not a thing, but this kind of shit on a *small* scale IS a problem.
Isolating people and pushing them and others into the mindset of "i have to be nonproblematic so people dont hate me" is a really bad thing. Explain your stances when you scream at people and be ready to forgive errors or expect to get no where and just hurt more fucking people.
Again i really am not talking about GENUINE bigotry. if some piece of shit makes a joke they know is horrible, or says a racist slur, or anything like that, give em hell they fuckin deserve it. But everyone can tell someones intentions. A teenager calling a ->
character that was loosely implied to be gay bisexual is not grounds for isolating that person when youre the same people who refuse to deconstruct why thats an issue to claim, and youre the same people who parade around your ouma kokichi and angie yonaga icons without ->
thinking for three fucking seconds about how much worse uncritical endorsement of those depictions are than someone mistakeningly missing implied text. If youre going to be critical then fucking DO it. Tell people whats wrong, discuss the issue, or back the fuck off.
I rambled a lot here and im sure im going to get misinterpreted n idiots wont read the whole thing and take me out of context but this is something thats never fucking talked about properly
And it really sucks, because it often just feels like the old social isolation school clique mindset regurgitated amongst people who...were probably harmed by that. and it also sucks bc it does more harm than good to act like this
And yeah it gets often talked about as "wow people are so unreasonable and mean" and leaving it as that but i think more of us need to talk abt how hypocritical, faulty, and overall damaging this mindset of fake progressive in fandom is rather than just People Mean...?
Just like?? in conclusion dont be a fucking piece of shit to others, rethink your mindset on progressiveness, especially in media, and why you act how you do in fandom spaces if you can see yourself in this thread
Also i wanna just add if i said anything factually wrong or you just have an issue with one of my points feel free to drop your side of things i really want to see other perspectives on this behaviour and phenomenon and talk abt it 👍 just dont be a dick abt it or ill block
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