A VERY rough analysis to discuss the challenges of vaccine deployment. Lets assume that April 1st would be the release date of the vaccine. Let's also assume the following estimated figures below and we're using JUST pharmacies as a point for vaccines distribution: (1/5)
Assuming we have ALL pharmacies stocked up/supplied/staffed, we could technically administer 1,760,000 vaccines per day. If this rate could be maintained, it would be around 131 days until 70% of the US would be immunized (when herd immunity might be achieved). (2/5)
That means it wouldn't be until AUGUST when we can safely say that herd immunity is achieved and things can start to shift back to normal operations. BUT. These are ideal circumstances and doesn't even include the possibility of booster shots needed. (3/5)
In general, this thread is mainly to communicate the necessity of scaling up resources (more mobile clinics that are properly stocked/staffed), public education on vaccines, not ignoring vulnerable populations, etc; We will be in this for most of 2021. (4/5)
I've stressed this to my community and to others that we will need to continue wearing masks/social distance for the forseeable future. A vaccine being released is not a golden key to let the flood gates open for full openings. (5/5)
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