Schools are POISONING your children!

Here are 4 things that either AREN’T being taught, or are being taught WRONG, that you must correct immediately


1. Intro
2. History
3. Exercise
4. Manners
5. Personal Finance

Let's begin!
1. Intro

You often hear around this corner of Twitter about homeschooling, and how it’s the only way you can ensure an appropriate education for your kids

To be clear: homeschooling is a GREAT option

If you can do it, you should seriously consider it

Because controlling what gets fed into your kids' brains (ie who and what they’re exposed to daily) is the BEST thing you can do for them long term (presuming you're an effective person yourself)

And homeschooling is one way to ensure that control

But what if you can't?
What if homeschooling isn’t an option for you? Maybe you're a single parent, or maybe both parents have careers they can't / don't want to give up (yes self-improvement Twitter, these are real and viable scenarios for some families)

What do you do then?
In that case, you must TAKE control. Schools are indoctrination factories. They’re directly downstream from the prevailing cultural and political norms. If you don’t like what’s happening culturally?

You REALLY won’t like what’s being taught to your kids in school
And just as important as what IS being taught is what’s being left out

So what are the most important things you can teach your kids, that are either NOT being taught, or being taught in a harmful way?

Read on for 4 examples:
2. History

History is's not as simple as "something either happened or it didn’t"

There are at least two sides to every story, and without appropriate context, a great tragedy can be framed as the world’s grandest triumph, and vice versa
This context is out of reach for most people, so history lends itself to being used as propaganda

And propaganda can be a tool or it can be a weapon

A tool to unite a population

Or a weapon used to divide it, beating it into submission

Guess which option we see in schools?
What can you teach instead?

Start with human nature, an understanding of which can contextualize almost any historical event immediately

Teach that history is written by the winners, who are incentivized to leave out critical nuance
Teach your kids to be curious, to see multiple sides of every issue

Teach them how their ancestors lived, what they endured

And teach that no matter what they hear in school, their ancestors were GOOD, normal people, who loved their families and did the best with what they knew
3. Exercise

Physical strength is no longer a virtue in our society. To see evidence of this fact you need look no further than our schools

Even anemic “PE” classes and recess have been cut from many places, de-prioritized to the point of extinction
The last things our leaders want are strong, self-assured young people

Viewed through this lens, the culling of fitness makes sense

Brainwashing is easier when your targets are weak, and weak kids make weak adults

Weak adults CONSUME more

But what can you do about it?
The world would be a very different, improved place if everyone lifted weights. If you don’t, and you’re physically able, you should

And while I can’t recommend a regimented weightlifting program for kids (until they reach puberty), you can prep them for that day much earlier
The best way to do that is through bodyweight exercises. Pushups, sprints, and lunges are great

You'll see the highest ROI by introducing them to hanging and pull-ups as early as you can. A great thread on hanging from my friend @thehdmovement:
4. Manners

Most schools still emphasize some variation of character improvement for their students. This is good, but it’s not enough

For proof, observe the behavior of an average child, engrossed in screens, unprepared to navigate the world socially
A code of manners is a critical aspect of a person’s character. How you outwardly interact with others in your sphere speaks volumes of your integrity

Well mannered behavior also gives your kids a marked advantage as they grow older. It's far too important to leave up to others
So what can you do? Give them a code! Model that code in your own behavior ALWAYS

And TELL your kids why it’s important. Your reputation means everything. It’s too simple to say “don’t worry what others think”

Because “what others think” is the essence of your reputation
Your code of conduct will vary culturally, so determine what an admirable person does where YOU live

Describe it to your kids, reward adherence to that code, and model it relentlessly. Accept nothing less than the pursuit of perfection from yourself, and your kids will notice
5. Personal finance

Perhaps the most glaring hole in our publicly subsidized curriculum is that of personal finance, and it’s obvious why

If everyone understood how to become financially independent, our entire economy would be at risk
Because the discipline required to become financially independent requires a drastic DECREASE in the measure of your consumption

A dependence on ever-increasing consumption drives our market forward, so it’s not in your leaders’ best interest to educate this dependence away
What can you do? Keep it SIMPLE

Explain the difference between an asset and a liability. Live by a budget of your own, and SHOW it to your kids

You must spend less than you make, and you must allocate the difference toward debt or investments

That's the crux of your message
As they get older, you can explain the concept of interest

Loan them money (small amounts), or let them invest the money they earn

You’re the BANK, show them how money grows over time if you invest it, and how buying on credit makes things more expensive
Depending on your situation, homeschooling may be impossible

But a home *curriculum* is non-negotiable

Our schools brainwash our kids, both overtly and by omission

It’s your job to ensure you’re actively fighting against it

A great parent is NECESSARILY a great teacher
These suggestions are the tip of your home curriculum iceberg

What would you add? Quote/comment with your suggestions

Do you agree that control over our kids' brains is worth fighting for?

Then SPREAD THE MESSAGE and RT the first post in this thread

Thank you for reading
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