@PAMESecretariat today issued its second Arctic Shipping Status Report (ASSR #2). ASSR #2 provides information on fuels used by ships operating in Arctic waters in 2019 (1/6)
The Report includes an analysis of fuels used by the 1725 unique ships during 2019 in Arctic Waters as defined by the International Maritime Organization’s Polar Code ( @IMOHQ). The most common fuel used by such ships was distillate fuel (2/6)
Around 10% of the ships operating in Arctic waters in 2019 used Heavy Fuel Oil -- 165 of the 1725 ships analyzed. The Report used @IMO’s definition of HFO (3/6)
The report also shows an 82% increase in fuel consumptions from 2016 to 2019, which can be attributed to an increase from one single type of ship (4/6)
The report also outlines how a new area of ship fuels is emerging, and how a knowledge gap is now being addressed by PAME and @EPPR (5/6)
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