(1/3) #WOTC announced Secret Lair: Extra Life, with proceeds going to the Seattle Children's Hospital. "The...cards in this Secret Lair drop illustrate the importance of family and children"

Pictured is Teferi with his daughter Niambi.
(2/3) Within the day, people began photoshopping Niambi into various previous MTG cards, featuring her being killed in various ways (crucifixion, put into an oven, blown up, and unfortunately more).

This represents the most disgusting, repugnant elements of the MTG community.
(3/3) If you see a post with these types of imagery, report it as hate speech. Denounce it.

Call out the people who take imagery of Black father/daughter and use it for lols.

The people creating these images are putting evil into this world. It needs to be identified as such.
You can follow @StarCityBen.
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