Today is pro-life day of silence. We will be tweeting quotes from some of our students throughout the day. Our prompt is “why are you pro-life?”
#dayofsilence #ProLife #ACB #overturnroe
“I’m pro-life because as a Christian I believe that it is wrong to take the life of innocent babies. I was further convicted in my stance after watching the process that occurs during an abortion. It’s very sad and it has to stop! We must defend life!”
-Hunter A.
“The Govt. should protect life. If one truly “believes in science” you’d know that the baby inside the womb is a human life.
Simple as that.”

“I’m pro-life because abortion is evil baby-murder which offends Christ our Lord and makes the Blessed Virgin weep. It is a sin which cries to heaven for vengeance.”
– Jackson R. J. Sweet
“I’m pro-life because I was raised to believe that every life matters in the eyes of God. Unborn babies are alive, just the same as you and me. If you intentionally take that life, you’re taking away an innocent child who can’t speak up for themselves away from this world.”
“I am pro-life because I want to fight for those who are not able to fight for themselves.”

-anonymous YCT student
“I’m pro-life because if bacteria on Mars is considered life, then a fetus on Earth should be too” @madirmills
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