1. What is behind the phenomenon? Here is my current thinking:

There is a highly intelligent, hidden species intimately connected with us and with the soul/being of the Earth. They have some manner of programmable access to our world.
2. They are the beings some people (and I) call Fae or Djinn, but we merely encounter the programs they create. They are behind everything at Skinwalker Ranch, also Bigfoot, Mothman, goblins, MIB, most UFOs, etc...
3. They are very much like us in many ways, and may even be derived from us in some fashion—a byproduct arising from our interaction with the Earth, maybe. They operate in a moral gray area, as humans do. And like us, they can choose to align themselves with...
4. higher angelic beings, or they can buck against the higher beings and take on their own agenda, aligning with more nefarious purposes, very much like humans. They are behind most of our myth-making and lore, and they actively engage with us through dreams and intuition...
5. to help us create a richer mythical, more meaningful cultural landscape.

Why do they not save us with their technology? It is not available to us because we do not operate from the place they operate. They engage with us as a programmer engages with a computer program...
6. Their technology is not technology as we understand it. Their technology is essentially an extension of themselves into our visible plane, temporarily. They may be able to offer ideas that lead to the next steps of our technological advancement...
7. but it is up to us to figure it out and make it work. Their will, like ours, is subject to higher powers/higher beings who have a more distant, yet ever-present and intimate role in our lives.

The Fae, like us, are intermediaries (of higher beings) and actors in this...
8. grand orchestration we call life. And we are now in the midst of the climax of a grand play that has been going on for millennia. The stage is set and the players are ready for a grand display. Rise or fall, we and the Fae are stuck in the same boat together.
@nuekerk I'd like to know how your thinking about the phenomenon differs from mine. I certainly don't think I have it figured out. can you propose any new ideas that might help me gain a better understanding?

you pointed me to @damienechols, whose practices helped open the door.
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