Reducing Jewish identity into 'JOC' and 'Ashkenazim' or 'White Jews' not only projects the idea of Ashkenazim having the same power over 'JOC' that White Americans do over non-white people, but fails to account for the fact that most 'JOC' and 'White Jews' look indistinguishable.
It forces a European status onto Ashkenazim, in a world where white = European. The label of 'POC', is a direct response to the oppression olympics. The thing that 'POC' share is oppression under white people. It is a binary. Jews do not exist in this binary,
The sub categories of Jews do not exist in this binary where we can force some groups into 'POC' and others into 'white'. It subtly diminishes the Ashkenazi connection to the levant and indigenous status to Israel, while projecting false power onto them.
It lumps all Jews not Ashkenazi together and is an erasure of their individual experiences in favour of a universalised collective. The adoption of the American identity politics by the international Jewish community and the increased polarisation of Jewish identity is harmful
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