When @sendavidperdue called his colleague of many years “Kamala-mala-mala, I don’t know, whatever!”, I recognized him at once. All my life, I have run up against the unwillingness and inability of many Americans to say my name right.

New in The Ink: https://the.ink/p/kamala-versus-daenerys
The unwillingness and the inability are connected but distinct. In the Perdue case, unwillingness flew under the cover of inability.

The “I don’t know, whatever!” part was a pretense of personal limitation to soften the blow of “mala-mala,” which was pure middle-school mockery.
The obvious word for what Perdue did is “mispronunciation.”

But in today's newsletter I propose a better term: “dispronunciation.”

Mispronunciation is people trying too feebly and in vain to say our names — and dispronunciation is people saying our names incorrectly on purpose, as if to remind us whose country this really is. https://the.ink/p/kamala-versus-daenerys
Let me be clear. I'm not even talking about my last name here! I will set that aside for a moment.

For now, I want to share my bafflement and frustration with the insurmountable difficulty of getting people in the United States of America to say “Anand.” https://the.ink/p/kamala-versus-daenerys
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A guide:

It has been a lifelong battle to get those five letters, those two syllables, said right -- “AH-nund.”

Instead, there has been “ANNE-ind” and “ah-NAAND” and “AY-nanned.” And those are just the ones I remember. https://the.ink/p/kamala-versus-daenerys
For all my school days, my name was said wrong virtually all of the time, by students and teachers.

And I was still years away from gathering up the courage to insist that they expand their repertoire beyond the mouth movements of the Mayflower.

Mayflower mouth constantly tells us: you are not of us, you do not belong to our default, you need to be explained, you come with instructions, you are a hard case, you take extra effort, you don’t just glide into the mix, you require extra preparation, you may get offended.
And I wrote about the strange dilemma we end up having:

1. Say nothing and feel misrecognized.

2. Say something and be a burden.

3. Become more worried about the feelings of the mispronouncers than about the mispronunciation.

And I wrote about the strange double standards of American mispronunciation.

John-Bob Mouth can somehow manage "Daenerys Targaryen" and "Hakeem Olajuwon."

Just not Ta-Nehisi, Kamala, or, well, Anand.

Anyway, it's a more personal piece than usual, and it culminates in a story about the time a man came to my book launch and promptly told me: “You’re very brave to keep your name." https://the.ink/p/kamala-versus-daenerys
Pronunciation is political.

This election is a referendum on whether America is a John-Bob republic or a country for us all.

The John-Bobbers aren’t winning.

We are here. We’re not going anywhere. Our names aren’t “I don’t know, whatever.” It’s time you told your mouth.

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