Ok I’m sorry but I do not speak this language and cannot read the thread (and the auto translate seems off to me) but based on the evidence supplied, the use of embedded links is STILL good. Let me thread this below @pledis_17 https://twitter.com/HChoanna/status/1318481392389427201
1) “embedded videos won’t be counted if they auto play”

This is true and is true for any stream method. That’s why we tell you to turn off auto play on YouTube. If you have to physically click a play button to make it start, they count @pledis_17
2) “embedded vids don’t have source code”

Some embedded vids don’t. For instance, the ones on Twitter don’t! That’s why we discourage you streaming from the mv video posted by pledis directly to twt (why they started doing that I will never understand) + @pledis_17
If the embedded video had the YouTube/bighit labels logos, all the adjustments like a normal yt vid or if you click on it it will give you the option to view on YouTube, those are all linked to YouTube and count. + @pledis_17
Yt has an entire creator studio metric dedicated to “external links” seeing where people are coming to watch your video from outside of YouTube. That is measured by clicking on a shared link that opens yt OR watching a properly embedded vid in an article + @pledis_17
If you share links via sns only, those links directly take you to YouTube and the view is processed there, so it’s the exact same as manual streaming and requires the same methods manual streaming does. + @pledis_17
However, each properly embedded vid has a unique location and count as long as you aren’t logged into YouTube (if you are, all views are tied to your yt account and will be deleted because you watched the same vid 2637849 times in a row and they’ll think it’s a bot) @pledis_17
3) all of the links I shared are properly embedded & so long as you are streaming correctly with strong enough internet, they will count. Every fandom with big numbers uses this method with amazing results, including those who came back recently/are coming back soon + @pledis_17
4) I have been asked about embedded/article streaming for years at this point and I spent 8 whole months researching the method to figure out how it works, how to do it properly, etc before I ever started talking about it openly. + @pledis_17
I continually do research on all things yt to make sure I’m providing the best information I can to carats so we can continue to improve. To say that we aren’t improving with the use of embedded links is a lie—we have data backing our improvements with the method! + @pledis_17
Yes, for sure you can abuse embedded streaming and have views not count, BUT THAT HAPPENS WITH EVERY METHOD. We need to stop pointing fingers and playing the blame game and actually educate ourselves on how best to do all of the things. + @pledis_17
The craziest part is that fanbases actually do all that work for you, yet when they say “hey here’s this thing that will help” you all turn against the fanbase and claim they’re lying or go “but this fandom told me different”... + @pledis_17
Unless you’ve been in a fanbase and know how much work goes into these guides/rules, please don’t outright say we’re lying because you heard this one thing a long time ago or you did this method when some group was huge 10+ years ago... + @pledis_17
By all means, feel free to do your own research on your own time. ACTUAL RESEARCH. Not “let me listen to other people in other fandoms they will know”. More often than not they are lying to you about methods, etc because they want their idols to be 1st + @pledis_17
5) now that we’re past the 24hr mark, you can use whichever method works for you and your life (embedded/manual/playlist/ a combination of them). We are heavily encouraging embedded methods because they DO work and are the most efficient... + @pledis_17
AND we have HUGE competition so any way we can be more efficient gives svt a better chance at wins. How about we stop yelling at one another here and start working harder on voting polls, digital and yt streaming, etc. aka the things that actually help for comebacks? + @pledis_17
It’s ultimately your choice on who you decide to follow and what route you take as a fan, but aren’t we all here to make svt MORE SUCCESSFUL? Constantly fighting one another doesn’t help svt at all and leads to us failing them as fans + @pledis_17
So please, stream however you want with proper protocols. Embedded mvs also count but you don’t have to use them. And fanbases work way too fucking hard for everyone to the shitting on them constantly. If you feel they aren’t doing enough, consider volunteering @pledis_17
You can follow @1Tsquad.
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