This tweet right here is an incredibly bad take, and I think as an Android user that has used an iPhone as well, it's important to understand why. First I will talk about hardware, then software, then innovation, then pricing. So first off let's talk about the hardware: (1/22)
As far as hardware goes iPhones have always been behind. this is why the Android phone shown in this video is running so much faster than the iPhone. A newer processor, more RAM, and faster speeds on the storage drive make a world of difference in device speed, however: (2/22)
Where Android phones have higher hardware quality and newer hardware, Apple has more consistent hardware. no matter what version of iPhone you use, you know the experience that you're going to get just by looking at the device, especially across close generational models. (3/22)
Although, some important notes are about where Apple gets some of their hardware. their cameras are manufactured by sony, who makes the Xperia series of Android phones which is known for absolutely insane camera quality. And apple screens are manufactured by multiple (4/22)
Android device manufacturers, with the iPad screens being made by Samsung, and the iPhone screens being made by LG. So with my LG V60 dual screen I am getting the same high quality screen that will be on an iphone just without the "retina"color correction they claim to have(5/22)
So now let's talk about software. This is an incredibly easy one, as I can sum it up in just one sentence. The Android operating system prioritizes high functionality over a simple and consistent user experience, whereas Apple does the opposite, choosing instead to create (6/22)
the most simple user experience possible, sacrificing high functionality in the process. So if you prefer a very simple interface that's quick to learn, Apple is your go to. And if you prefer to be able to do as much as possible with your phone, Android is your go to. (7/22)
And now let's talk about innovation. As far as their phones Apple doesn't do it. They tend to focus their super innovative technology elsewhere, like on the iPad and the premium models of their computers. Android manufacturers, on the other hand, are constantly (8/22)
Providing new technological innovations to their phones. My phone is actually a fantastic example of that. I have a LG V60 thinq, with the dual screen case. It is part of a series of phones that LG has designed to be able to utilize a case that adds a second display. (9/22)
Then you have Samsung with the 100 times space zoom camera on the Galaxy s20, you have the Google pixel phones with their insane after image processing on their camera, phones designed specifically for gaming with super fast components and even cooling fans, (10/22)
And a couple of companies even gave modular phones (phones where you can customize the device by buying different parts that you can snap on that contain components for the device, like a better speaker or a small DSLR camera lens) a go with varying levels of success.(11/22)
So if Android phones are so much more innovative, why are iPhone users so persistently loyal? Well the answer to that is because they prefer that more simple operating system, and a more simple OS is really just not designed for innovation, so it's not something that (12/22)
iPhone users are terribly concerned about. But the pricing, lest we forget the pricing, is a huge reason for the mass amounts of Android users (86.1% market share, as opposed to Apple's only 13.9%) that often gets overlooked. The iPhone 12 Mini starts at $699. (13/22)
I have not paid that much for any of my past Android phones. and of course there are Android phones that are that expensive and even more expensive, take Samsung for example with its very Apple-like pricing. Android phones cover a broad spectrum of affordability, from (14/22)
More expensive luxury devices like Samsung's flagship phones, to far more affordable devices, like xiaomi and OnePlus phones. Samsung themselves even has Android phones that cost less than $200. One of their budget phones, the Galaxy a51, is only $230 on their website (15/22)
right now, and it goes on sale like that regularly and I know a lot of people that absolutely love that phone. I got my current Android phone for around the same price as the iPhone 12 Mini, but I was okay with paying that because of the innovation and usefulness (16/22)
Of dual screen functionality, which I use everyday. in fact, I used it when writing this tweet thread đŸ€Ł. Because Android phones have such a broad range in pricing, they collect a broad range in audience, where Apple's phones are difficult for people who aren't in the (17/22)
Upper-middle to 1% classes to afford. Many of my family members, and Friends are still using an iPhone 5 because they haven't been able to afford to upgrade since the 5 was released. Whereas I, who work a minimum wage job has still been able to afford to upgrade to a (18/22)
new phone on occasion, because LG prices their phones far more reasonably for the hardware and software in them. This makes having an Apple phone seem more like a status symbol, like having a Louis Vuitton handbag. It's made of the same materials, with a higher price tag (19/22)
and only people with an excess of income can reasonably afford it (and no, having to finance it is not being able to afford it). My point of this thread is not to bash apple, or to bash Android, but rather to explain the difference between the two operating systems and (20/22)
their environments so that people can see why creating an iPhone versus Android discourse is toxic. Both sides are good in their own way, and which one is better really just depends on the user's preference for a device. For my usage, Android works better. For my family (21/22)
And some of my friends usage, iOS works better. Instead of bashing other people, how about you just don't? Thank you for coming to my Ted talk. Sorry it got so long LOL that was an accident. (22/22)
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