I cannot get over this thread. https://twitter.com/brianstelter/status/1318377113037189121
The gist seems to be that masturbating on work calls is unavoidable and totally understandable and during a U.S. election maybe even necessary.
As someone who thinks your employer should have no dominion over your household I am ethically committed to defending your right to masturbate in your own home under any conditions.
As a person in a body so controlled by norms, laws and customs that I apologize profusely for sneezing on camera, I am also perfectly fine with disdaining your choice to masturbate while in view or listening distance of your co-workers.
Also? Toobin must be insanely powerful in media because the silence is actually louder than the quite loud defense from certain corners.
I was once asked to straighten my hair to represent my employer in public. But I can see how the biological imperative to masturbate is more primal than the biological imperative of my hair to grow from my head as genetic sequencing dictates.
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