Racism needs to go for good. It's doesn't make any sense at all when you really think about it. I mean we do you have differences in terms of culture and religion including other differences but we are first and furthermost humans. Our unique differences should be celebrated 1/1
And not hated. History has a lot of really horrific and ugly chapters how we have committed genocides just because of someone is different. The holocaust is just one horrifying example of that. How the systemic hatred for one group of people can lead to millions of innocent 1/2
People dying for absolutely no good reason other than just because other people were convinced that they are bad people through propaganda half truths violence and needles bloodshed. Basically people can be brainwashed so badly to believe complete and utter nonsense and then 1/3
And then go and commit violence just because someone convinced them in a very twisted way that they are helping and saving people through violence. These people are in my honest are weak minded and are easily persuaded to believe that kind of nonsense. I have zero sympathy1/4
For violent people who are bigots racists and neo nazis. They are full of irrational hatred for no other than the fact that they don't realise that we humans are different. And sadly sometimes these things led to violence on purely religious grounds Ireland is a great example 1/5
Of that. How skin colour still causes people to hate someone. Islamophobia and the blind hatred of muslims. Generalising also plays a very part. Just because a certain group are the way they are that doesn't mean everyone is like that. It's wrong. It's just wrong on so many 1/6
Levels. Fear is a big factor in my opinion. And the inviroment and outside influence can play a big part how people's views on race are formed in a good way and in a very very bad and twisted way simply because they were brought up in a certain inviroment and were told to 1/7
Believe what they believe in. They have no Compassion Kindness Empathy Tolerance basic human decency and understanding at all. And it's sad really. Racism led to so much hatred and violence and makes me sad and angry and frustrated to tears about the fact that we do this 1/8
To other fellow human being's. Let's just take the holocaust alone. I still can't believe that so many people were for just been Jewish. 6 million out of all other victims of the concentration camps. They made the most victims. It was a systematic senseless act committed 1/9
Simply because a truly evil individual convinced himself that the Jewish people were bad. The fact that certain groups of people have fought and still have to fight for their rights to be recognised is sad and disheartening. It shouldn't be like this at all. We need to do 1/10
More to eradicate racism for once and for all. Sometimes it takes protests for people's voices to be heard. Even though violence. I wish it didn't have to be like that but sadly that's the reality. It can be achieved through peaceful way's but sometimes it's not enough sadly1/11
I'm hopeful as someone who is strongly against racism that racism will be gone maybe not in my lifetime but hopefully in the future it will be gone. 1/12
Nothing justifies racism anymore nothing 1/13
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