"I don't love Joe Biden BUT I stan and vote and you should also stan and vote" is the worst genre of video
how have we not had enough of that kind of video yet? the big personalities are just getting around to it but holy fuck entire channels are dedicated to telling you voting is the most important thing
people get mad at me because I don't preface my criticism of Biden "properly" with "I am voting for Biden and you should too"

I'm supposed to say "Biden wasn't my first choice, but I am voting for him and it's important we all do to get the fascist out" and I just can't do that.
and I am! that is what pisses me off. I should not have to tell people that every fucking day of the week. I don't want Biden. I don't think he will save democracy or the planet. I do not think his platform is designed to be passed because it will not inspire mass pressure.
and I am especially irritated with the idea I am supposed to tell you to participate in this fucking bullshit. YOU know whether or not it matters to you. YOU know if this is going to actually effect you. YOU understand this so much better than anyone gives YOU credit for.
the democrats had a SUPERMAJORITY - a majority in every branch of government - in 2010

when they could do WHATEVER THEY WANTED, when Obama could actually deliver on that single-payer thing, they looked over at ~Mitt FUCKIN' Romney~ and said "DO YOU KNOW THE WAY"
the Biden/DNC platform is NOT going to inspire mass pressure from voters

the "return to normalcy" pitch is designed to ask "wouldn't you rather be comfortable" which means "can you please go back in your house"

there will no bloc to force any of this milquetoast shit
as such, there will continue to be kids in cages, we will not get a public option, fracking will expand (see: )
voting Biden in will not automatically (I would argue will not at all) get his milquetoast platform of "progress" enacted

the mandate will be "normalcy" and during obama, we had different rhetoric but it was NORMAL for kids to be in cages, no public option
expanding fracking has been NORMAL for years and years
there is no way to push Biden/The Democratic Party left. there is no threat from an organized left bloc. there is no means to exert pressure.
I am voting Biden but I think it's bullshit. I am not going to implore you to agree. In fact, I hope you understand just how much disgust I have for Joe Biden, the Democratic party, AND this bullshit position of "Joe Biden wasn't my first choice but WE MUST STAAAAAAN."
it is not my job to help elect some fucking neolib ghoul

when content creators make that their job, they need to stop acting like they are advocating for systemic change, but rather applying the aesthetic of radicalism to whatever false choices the system puts in front of us
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