I've read a few things about Mandelson and his 'Jewishness', and there's quite a lot to unpick...

He isn't halachically Jewish, and even though progressive movements accept patrilineal Jewishness, it's clear he doesn't think of himself as so

From 2002:
Jewishness for me is defined by whether the Nazis would have persecuted you.

Mandelson had a Jewish grandfather, who founded a synagogue, and father, who was ad manager at the JC.

He would have been Jewish enough for the Nazis..
I am sure I'm not the only one with a 'Jewish-sounding name', who has experienced antisemitism. And no doubt, as Mandelson said in that Guardian piece, when Israel comes under attack, he identifies more. Almost like he feels self-conscious.
Well, Len's 'gold coins' comment for me, is a way of baiting out Jewish heritage, which PM has consistently said he doesn't' identify with.

Now everyone is reading about his Jewish heritage. And no doubt antisemites ask 'why was he hiding it?'
I find the playing around with someone else's ethnicity odd. During the Labour antisemitism row, there were many supporters of Corbyn who put Jewishness at the front of their argument.

Now, when someone's background is inconvenient, it's denied?

The likes of AB deciding Mandelson isn't Jewish [for political reasons.].. one would imagine he wouldn't do the same thing about a JVL member, for example, who identified as having Jewish heritage through patrilineal lines?
There needs to be recognition, that being Jewish is partly a personal belief, partly heritage.

Belief is fluid. One gains it, loses it; it comes in waves based on life/circumstances.

Heritage is to some extent fixed. It's almost an accessory one can proudly display or hide
I think it's up to individuals to decide. Mandelson does not identify as Jewish on either counts. The reason there is anger within the community, is because the 'gold coins' comment almost feels like, he is being 'outed'.
Len 'antisemitism claims are mood music' McCluskey can plead ignorance if he likes - but he isn't stupid, and nor is the community. He knows full-well the connotations of that term , and the way it makes people think about Peter Mandelson, and the way Jewish leaders might rect.
His insistence it's not antisemitic while apologising 'if' it caused hurt, tells you all you need to know.

He doesn't recognise it's antisemitism.

Probably because he thinks antisemitism only really comes in one form: the right.
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