Depression is heavily affected by the physical aspects of your life aswell as mental and social.
5 things you might not be doing that is causing you to be feeling depressed: A thread
1. Not being a fucking pussy
Ok seriously now bc I wanna help:
1. EXERCISE: Without exercise, you enter a cycle. If you dont exercise, you wont feel tired in the evenings, resulting in lack of sleep and a fucked up schedule. Then you'll be too tired to exercise the next day, etc.
2. EAT 3 MEALS AT APPROX THE SAME TIME EVERY DAY: Same as point 1, your body NEEDS a schedule. If your body recieves food at the same time and exercises at the same time every day, it knows when to sleep and you will feel much happier I promise:)
Every morning your priority should be to get sunlight to get you out of sleep mode, this way it will be easier to get to sleep at night when its dark + easier to wake when its light. Phone first thing in the morning WILL fuck up your mental health.
4.DON'T EAT JUNK FOOD MORE THAN TWICE A MONTH: However tempting, eating non-nutritious foods can have an even bigger impact on your mental health that your physical health.
Whether its getting a job, meeting your friends, facetiming your grandma, or just going shopping. However painful it is sometimes, human interaction WILL support you to get you through depression, even if it doesn't feel like it.
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