how to manage your time effectively as an online student and still get good grades // thread
get a planner 🧡 super important to stay organized and on top of things. get one with big spaces and write anything due or upcoming as soon as you find out when it is (exams, meeting, lectures etc)
plan your entire week on monday 🧡 wake up early way before you have anything to do, grab some water and your planner and plan everything you have to do for that week. i write down everything i have to do then separate it into each day depending on what else i have to do that day
plan effectively 🧡 plan ur days in a way that helps u personally with ur schedule. i write it all down then separate it into days and will always leave “spillover days” that i am otherwise free unless i am behind on something. i also put most stuff at the beginning of the week.
wake up early and get it done 🧡 i am such a morning person and it helps sm. wake up earlier than you need to, get some water, make a coffee and study first thing. it will feel so much better to have everything done early and have the evening to relax.
get enough sleep 🧡 this is also so important. i know it’s hard but going to bed earlier helps a lot and can help you have more energy and be more calm and focused during lectures and study sessions. if you can’t sleep at night consider listening to a sleep podcast or some music
study a little every day 🧡 whether you have an upcoming test or homework due try cutting it into pieces and doing a bit every day, work at the hours that you feel most energized and put in 100% effort according to your abilities. take frequent breaks especially between chapters
i know its hard but eat enough to have energy and a working brain 🧡 i know for alot of people on here eating can be very hard but if you’re going to restrict at least have your main meal as something nutrient rich, full of protein right before studying or during if that helps
have relaxation and me time 🧡 self care is so important and can help so much with academic success or success anywhere in life because if you are well you’re able to put so much more into what you do. i wake up earlier that i need to and have a coffee while watching the sunrise
don’t drink too much caffeine 🧡 it’s so over said and i know no one will listen but minimize your caffeine intake if you can to 2 cups a day so you don’t crash and feel tired and sick afterwards or without it. and make sure to drink enough water!
celebrate the small victories! 🧡 even if it’s getting a good score on a pop quiz or a high mark on a short essay, celebrate each victory and reward yourself in little ways. negative self talk will only have negative outcomes
visit your online classroom everyday 🧡 even on days you don’t need to study, open your online classroom just in case. you never know what might pop up like an assignment, test, lecture, meeting etc. and it’s always good to check in.
revise like ur life depends on it 🧡 whenever u have a free day or not much else to do, open your notes and read through them, make little notes in the corners on in a notebook where you explain it to yourself as if you’re a third person who has never heard of that subject before
rest your eyes 🧡 if you’re currently attending online school you must be staring at a screen for a lot of time and i’m guessing while you’re not in school you’re looking at your phone so make sure to give your eyes a break 💞
{ this is the end of the thread lmk if it helps }
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