If you claim to be against CRT but then you employ logic like this: “Founders Ministries is a Neo-Confederate Network” you’re actually employing some the same logic CRT activists use. Let me explain: Founders ministries is named after men who sided with the Confederacy, true. 1/9
That’s who the Founders of the SBC were in 1845. And yes, it’s true orgs like Founders think there’s something to be gleaned from the theology of those men. But it’s not their decision to fight with the Confederacy that Founders is concerned with preserving. 2/9
It’s their adherence to the theology of the 1689 LBC. “Neo-Confederate” is basically a smear used to describe someone or something as racist for any attachment to practically anything Southern. Walt Disney couldn’t even escape the charge. 3/9
One of the fundamental tenants of CRT is that racism is normative & systemic. I’ve often said a CRT advocate can make you a racist, if it suits them, in 3 steps or less and it doesn’t matter whether you agree with 19th century views on race or not. It’s assumed, not argued. 4/9
Here is the logic that is used: 1) Founders admires men who fought for the Confederacy. 2) The Confederacy came into existence, in part, to oppose the GOP’s commitment to keep slaves out of the territories for white labor despite Constitutional allowance (in their minds). 5/9
3) The Founders must have approved of this and their owning slave labor testifies to this. 4) American slavery was an unjust power relationship between ethnicities. 5) Founders Ministries somehow approves of all of this and wants to reinstate those power relationships. 6/9
The fallacies in this simplistic argument are numerous, though I’m attempting to do it more justice than it deserves. It doesn’t take into account the Founder’s location (anyone living in their region was by default part of the alliance), the reasons some of them fought... 7/9
... the comparative racial views of the North, etc. In short, it does what CRT does- reduces men down to power relationships and impugns them with guilt then transfers that guilt to modern admirers who’s admiration has nothing to do with slavery or ethnic superiority. 8/9
In short, anyone using this trope against orgs like Founders and stating they don’t believe in CRT are using the same logic someone influenced by CRT or Memory Studies would use. In addition, they are wielding associationalism in sloppier ways than even Fundamentalists. 9/9
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