Lets deal with the new dis-info about COVID19.
This Virus is a bitch, it's been here almost a year and killed 1.2 MILLION people. Yet there is the MORON class that thinks it's a hoax or "not that bad." An ICU doctor said on the news " I've heard so many last words as they
get put on a ventilator, "I had no idea it was this bad, I should have listened." We'r 9 months in. This virus not only kills but IF you don't die, there is a good chance you're gonna have organ damage, Lungs, heart, brain, also blood clots vessel problems, So roll those dice!
cuz it's time to ride the 19! Other organs affected by blood clots include the lungs, legs, liver and kidneys. COVID-19 can also weaken blood vessels, which contributes to potentially long-lasting problems with the liver and kidneys.
This is if you survive it. More funs a'comin!
It's also the gift that can keep giving, a bunch who have recovered from SARS have developed chronic fatigue syndrome, a complex disorder, extreme fatigue that worsens with physical or mental activity, but doesn't get better with rest. The same looks true for COVID-19.
Long Haulers: People having long-term fatigue, headaches, vertigo, difficulties with cognition, hair loss, cardiac issues, and walking up three stairs and thinking you're dying.
They're seeing cellular-level damage.
This is from the MAYO clinic
And this "young people" bullshit? "It's mild. I didn't even really get symptoms. , and I'm over it!"
But in young people even ATHLETES! There's evidence of myocardial damage, cardiomyopathy, arrhythmias, pulmonary scarring and strokes. Wheee! This HOAX is Awesome and hilarious!
Oh, and totally in shape athletes with ZERO co morbididties are having heart issues. "A study by the University of Frankford in Germany found that 75% of people studied who had recovered from coronavirus, had abnormal heart findings."
Just the flu? GTFOH. Fukn idiots
Great, so we know this could kill you or ruin your life forever. You dipshits that don't believe it after all the info you can find? I gotta say, go to a Trump rally cuz It's a HOAX. This virus has doctors freaked, yet Trumps stroke doctor is saying we should go Herd "Mentality"
That means on a population of 330m people x3.5% HOLY SHIT 11.5m dead! But let's say that number's heavy, say it only kills at 1.5%, less than half, that'll be better! If this thing kills 1.5% cuz you morons with a herd mentality, went herd immunity, that's 4.95m dead. You good?
But this new one you guys are using to justify your lingering and long term retardation, "Only 11,000 died that were covid, the rest had other stuff wrong." Yeah, diabetes, heart disease, asthma, etc. BUT THEY WERE ALIVE WITH IT UNTIL THEY GOT COVID! You brain dead douchebag!
Saying someone had a chronic ailment THEY LIVED WITH FOR DECADES died because of that ailment, while we have a deadly virus raging through the planet is like saying "My Dad was hit by a drunk driver and died, but he had a preexisting hangnail, thats what killed him. Brutally dumb
And because of Sweet Potato Hitler you've either thrown your hands up and given up or aren't wearing a mask, Trump is so stupid "85% of people wearing masks will get it" No dumbass what you heard and what's said, differ. WEARING A MASK CUTS TRANSMISSION OF COVID19 BY 85%. Stupid
Trump wasted 8 months, cuz "WE GOTTA OPEN UP!" All he did was fuck it up, Trump, your savior, could have had the economy ROARING by now. New Zealand shut down from March 19, until June 8th. They didn't panic like bitches. They had a NATIONAL FUCKING PLAN and they are open.
Three months, New Zealand shut down for three months. 90 days, and they are back. Any new outbreaks are small enough and can be isolated and contract traced. We, on the other hand, are almost nine months in and we are at 70,000 case A DAY! We could have opened back up in june
If we just had a leader. Someone who could think into the future. Someone who knew 90 days would be tough but we'll save 130,000 lives and be back to normal by August.
It's almost November, our government and that Twat @realDonaldTrump is still doing nothing. A zero doing zero
"WE'RE ALL TIRED OF THE VIRUS!" is something a child says when he's bored with his toys. "I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS ANYMORE, I'M TIRED OF IT!" But the virus isn't tired. That fukr will go on as long as you keep letting it feed. Breathing out, someone else breathing in. This virus
Is 1000 times more transmissible than SARS. Its aerisolised, which means it floats free, and never gets tired. We coulda burned it out if we'd just stayed in til it died. We'd be back to OUR LIVES but you dumbshits believed the Bankrupt Orange Pussy Grabber and here we are.
I read about WW2, how people came together over a common enemy and worked to stop it. Not us though, not today. Today we get toadies who plan to KIDNAP A GOVERNOR AND KILL HER? Because she's trying to save lives? While the Fat man bleats about fake news & emails, how pathetic.
But it's not fake news, it's real, it's killing us and this "Leader" a man with ZERO nobility, whines about a fake nobel prize nomination. He dances while Americans die. He denies science, said it out loud, "I don't think science really knows" What a Twat. If he wins we die.
And it will be your fault. The "I'm not wearing a mask, my FREEDOM" people. How many dead because tattooed tough guys had to go to a motorcycle rally? Spread it across the whole country. Olympic level dumbshits. Maga,
By the way, for this rant, I take no responsibility, at all.
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