We are now 7 months into remote working

Here are a few benefits we never initially considered

[ a thread ] 💻🏠🌍
🎆 work when you want: the 9-5 is a remnant of the industrial revolution that does not work for knowledge workers

remote work lets you set your schedule and work when you are most productive
🍻 no after-work expectations: promotion decisions based on who you drink with after work are why workplaces remain homogenous

a massive problem in organizations that are not diverse, where people wonder why management all looks the same
🍔 Save a fortune on lunches: having to eat out every day for lunch is a pre-requisite of city working

that or needing to take time each night in order to prepare food at the end of an incredibly long day
🚘 family only needs one car: rather than 2 cars being required because one parent has to drive to work while the other takes care of the kids

one care households will enable families everywhere to cut a massive monthly expense
📢 feel heard by colleagues: offices are great for certain genders and demographics, terrible for others

it becomes much easier for them to be heard when they are not being spoken over in meetings and there is a deeper culture of written communication
👔 no expensive uniforms: suits and expensive clothing in order to impress your boss and fit in are lunacy

clothing has never helped you produce higher quality work and it never will – often the lack of comfort is distracting preventing us from producing better work
🚸 get kids from school: no longer having to plan how your kids will get to and from school removes a massive stress for parents

remote work lets you handle this during your day while still being able to work
🤮 avoid sick people: made even more important during current events, but equally as important where entire offices would come down with colds and flus during normal times
😴 Get more rest: the number of people getting up before 6am in order to get ready prior to an hour plus commute to the office is insane

remote lets everyone get the amount of sleep they need in order to perform to the best of their ability every single day
❤️ Deliberate socializing: our employer's HR team selecting the people we spend the most time with isn't a good thing

remote work lets you spend more time with the people you choose. It does require more effort in order for this to happen
🏃‍♀️Healthier lifestyles: Working remotely allows you to go on walks while on conference calls, let me workout when I would have been commuting, save money on meals out/the almost everyday corporate happy hour, and it's made me a way better cook!
🤝 Local-community: Get to know folks in your community at local restaurants and coffee shops
Ability to be available for neighbors if they need it
Enjoy music on better speakers at your preferred volume
Slippers > sneakers
🧤 Thermostat control: some like it hot others cold, in offices there is never a happy medium

remote lets you control the environment that you operate in
🏭 environmentally friendly: the commute and the office being on 24/7 are massive contributors to environmental damage

remote lets us cut millions of tonnes of Co2 in emissions each year
🐶 furry friends: being able to walk the dog at lunchtime or just generally be around our four-legged best friends is a massive positive for anyone with pets
🚨 less disruption: offices have become distraction factory adult kids clubs that are the worst place to do deep focussed work

remote gives us the isolation we need to do deep focussed work
🗣️ less gossip/office politics: inescapable while working remotely, a must for every worker to navigate in order to be effiective inside an organization

destroyed while working remotely
📦 receive deliveries: a growing problem in the modern world is stolen delivered left at your front door

while working from home you can ensure you are there to receive every delivery, removing a potential point of stress
💄 less time/money on makeup: something most people never consider

Not having to do this every day lifts a massive burden. Something to consider for organizations that demand video being on every call while working remotely...
🗻 work anywhere: being handcuffed to an office is the most irrational thing in the modern world. Forced to live in an expensive city with a massive cost of living leaving you with no disposable income

remote work lets you live and work anywhere
🛋 power nap on couch: some days you just need a moment to recharge before you can face the rest of the day. You can't do this in an office

Remote lets you get away when you need to and come back ready to continue you delivering incredible work
🍽️ No more microwave: everybody has lived through a colleague cooking food in the office kitchen

You never have to endure that again
🧠 mental health days: some days the office is the last thing we need but we endure it because we have to

remote working changes this equation, we have full control over every facet of living in a way we never can while working in an office
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