Being part of the #asexual spectrum can be so confusing at times. I'm not 100% attracted to people, sexually speaking but I do experience attractions once in a while. Even so, I've always had some sexual aversion as far as I can remember.
Sexuality isn't always black or white for some people. There are guys like me who are in the gray zone and I guess that's okay. Antidepressants and other factors, like people around you, your age, life events, everything can influence your sexual drive.
Mine is not as active as it used to be and I won't like saying that I've been struggling with my own identity for a while. It's easier to pretend that I am demisexual or gray-asexual, because clearly, I do not understand how my body works sometimes.
Anyway, I do hope this thread isn't confusing to you. Aces are valid. Demis are valid. Gray-Aces are valid. You are valid. Anyone who doesn't experience sexuality the same way as others, is valid as well. Don't be so hard on yourselves. Life is weird.
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