Any responsibility delegated to you by your boss without a pay rise,

takes you one step closer in becoming an inseparable part of his business,

to which you can infinitely leverage against him later & get what you want.

Be patient. Then leverage to a chokehold.

This happened to be when I started out working in the pharmacy.

I knew what my job description was, and yet I was doing far beyond that with no reflection in my wage.

Every month, I was being delegated a new responsibility because no one else would do it.
But with every new responsibility, I became more and more inseperable from the operations of the business.

I was the 'go to' for everything. I knew the system, the particular services, high paying customers, connections with patients & doctors.

I became 50% of the business.
When I decided to act, I hit where it hurt. I did it at a time when 3 employees were resigning.

I emerged from my position, demanded positional ascendency from the owner & leveraged all my responsibilities as a threat.

I became a manager overnight with a massive pay rise.
When you're given responsibilities through delegation without recognition or a pay rise, it may seem like exploitation.

But that's only the case if your emotions & pride get in the way of your judgement of seeing it for what it really is;

an opportunity.
Responsibility will ALWAYS substantiate. But you must take authority & capitalise on it.

You need to have endurance & the ability to remain detached when those above you 'exploit' you.

Accept it with a smile.

Disarm them from thinking you're being taken advantage of.
Take the responsibility & become exceptionally competent at it,

and realise that your newfound duty is a weapon that will hurt the business if you decide to abdicate it.

When the time comes, hit where it hurts. Leverage everything,

and get what you want.

Make them pay.
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