I always thought of TSS in the context of Art 5 point 6 of the NI Protocol – as a way for UK Gov to reimburse, waive and compensate companies in NI for the extra admin costs.

It was to be an alternative to using a customs broker, provided for by the Gov and free for users

We were initially told that the service will cover customs as well as safety and security declarations and will be available to NI traders for GB and ROW trade as well as GB traders who export to NI.

This meant replacing the local industry and disincentivising them from scaling up.

As you can imagine this caused a less than favourable response from the local customs brokers.

So turns out it's not exactly how TSS will work.

There are different levels of service TSS will provide and some of these levels will involve basically - directing traders towards existing providers.

For routes other than NI-GB and GB-NI TSS will provide light advice only, mainly around finding you own broker!

And will provide "educational services" to both traders and intermediaries.

For NI-GB and GB-NI the service will be a bit more advanced - it will offer support in submitting the two required declaration

It will also offer limited information on other requirements such as SPS procedures. But only high-level information.

It will not offer personalised service nor in any way aim to replace existing providers.

Meaning the service will be very limited.

The IT platform will "support submission" of the two declarations but will be far from advertised "will do it on traders' behalf".

So what does it all mean?

I've been following TSS closely but have to say a lot of this was a surprise to me.

It's good news for the local industry.

It also means that TSS is more "doable" by 1 Jan.
Means slightly less risk. See 👇 for my thoughts on why TSS is a Brexit readiness risk.

There is still risk around the IT platform but information and "educational" services are easier

/12 https://twitter.com/AnnaJerzewska/status/1315554470663774208
It's a bit less great for local traders who might have been hoping for a bit more support.

The service won't take care of customs on their behalf. As I personally believed we were told.

With customs it always comes back to the same point - the buck stops with traders.

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