Blk trans identified men like Lavern Cox & the Kat Blaque's of the world will never admit that blk men are responsible for their pain bcs that would also requite them to take personal responsibility on how they move dtheyd have ti change it

They'd have to exit the sex industry
Bcs most of the trans woman murders we see happen to sex workers.

They'd have to open up their own dating spaces to well adjusted men who are living their truth abt their sexualities.

Men who are openly bisexual. Openly pansexual. Openly homosexual.

Men who aren't trying so
Damn hard to claim heterosexuality when they know full and damn well they aren't.

But they're never going to do that.

They're not going to exit the sex industry bcs 1. It's a part of the liberal feminist movement.

Exiting would mean admitting that sex work isn't work.
2. A lot genuinely enjoy being sex workers. It's a validating experience bcs most of their clients are repressed men performing heterosexuality. Literally their type.

They'd have to put personal safety ahead of pleasure & validation, so no. They're not going to do that.
They're also not going to confront the source of all the violence.

Black men.

Why? Bcs those are the men they're sleeping with. They're also not going to avoid these men and why?

Bcs those are the men they're attracted to.

So what can they do?

Blame black women. Blame us for
Removing ourselves from the drama.

Blame us for rejecting the men that sleep with them bcs they take that rejection as a personal attack on their manhood then go on to take out their violence in them.

Rather then dysmantle this dynamic by having black men live in their truth?
They'd rather have them be repressed bcs it's their hetero presenting masculinity they're attracted to

They present themselves as these agents of truth & authenticity

Present themselves as these brave warriors that are breaking barriers when in fact? They're more backwards than
ALL OF US PUT TOGETHER bcs they have a vested interest in keeping things the way they are.

Not for their safety. Not for their security. Not even for their comfort.

But for their validation, Affirmation and sexual access. 🙄
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